» Download PDF Can't Make This Stuff Up! Finding the Upside to Life Downs Audible Audio Edition Susannah B Lewis Thomas Nelson Books
Barbra Camacho on Wednesday, May 22, 2019
Download PDF Can't Make This Stuff Up! Finding the Upside to Life Downs Audible Audio Edition Susannah B Lewis Thomas Nelson Books

Product details - Audible Audiobook
- Listening Length 4 hours and 14 minutes
- Program Type Audiobook
- Version Unabridged
- Publisher Thomas Nelson
- Audible.com Release Date April 9, 2019
- Whispersync for Voice Ready
- Language English, English

Can't Make This Stuff Up! Finding the Upside to Life Downs Audible Audio Edition Susannah B Lewis Thomas Nelson Books Reviews
- I was fortunate enough to receive an advanced copy of this book. Can't Make This Stuff Up! By Susannah B. Lewis, and this book is my favorite read so far this year! I loved her as a blogger, but goodness Susannah is funny, relatable, and quite possibly my new favorite author.
As a southerner myself, I especially loved reading about her testimony and her walk with Christ, even when it was difficult. She made me laugh, cry, and reminisce about my formable years.
I recommend this book for anyone who needs a laugh, struggling with the demands of motherhood and being a wife, or anyone just looking for a fun read, because, Whoa Susannah! - Susannah will crack you up! She has that sweet, southern charm and quick whit that will make you feel as if you are sitting, chatting with a gal pal. You don’t want to miss this book!
- I was fortunate to be on the launch team for this book, so I received the first 8 chapters in advance. I read it in about an hour. At work. I had to stifle my laughter, hide some tears and stop nodding my head in agreement as I stared at my computer screen. Ive been waiting for this book ever since.
Im a huge fan of Susannah B Lewis. She brings the best of life to light in the stories i have read so far. The joys, the sorrows, the feel good moments, and the moments of faith. All beautifully blended in her life stories.
I ordered 4 copies of this book. - Love it! Inspirational, funny, Godly, loving. If you’ve heard her speak.. you’ll read the whole book in her voice. Awesome job! <3
- I couldn't put it down! We all know she's hilarious and could easily be your BFF. I knew she loves Jesus and this makes it clear how unafraid she is to share her faith. The most refreshing thing about the book? Her message to rest easy in who you are in Christ - a popular speaker, a volunteer, a mother, a neighbor, a friend. We're all doing His work right where we are. Even if you aren't a Jesus person, you can't help but laugh at all her calamity, relate to her losses and appreciate her resilience and wonder where you might find some of that. You can't help but slap your knee at this book. Got get you one!
- I absolutely love the part about loving a good man when you have one. Often times, with a busy schedule and a family of 5, frustrations build. So why fuss at him over little stuff. Enjoy the time and man you have. I love this book for its real life situations that every mom can relate to!
- I was given an early release of the first 8 chapters of this book. I am super excited to read this book in it’s entirety. I have followed this author for years and I love her hilarious but spiritual personality.
- I received my copy today and I am enjoying it immensely. I have laughed and I have relived memories that she tells as if they’re my own. Awesome, amazing book I highly recommend it